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Why you should do it now or else..

Photo courtesy of John and Mary Ann Thesing's Garden

Why you should do it now or else....

If you have a few to-do lists as I do, you may notice there are those items that never get done.

For instance, on my list this spring is 'weed garden'. However, last fall's list includes "plant ground-cover to prevent weeds." So, when I set out to tackle the weeds last week, I not only had a lot of weeds, but I had to weed fast to avoid all the mosquitoes we have because of this winter's warm temps. Obviously, I did not get to the 'plant ground-cover' item and so I am paying the price now.

You would think after years of gardening, I would know that using ground-covers can save you from hours of weeding. Well, even though I do know that, I didn't follow through. If only I paid attention to my list last fall, the weeding and those mosquito bites may not be an issue that I have to deal with now!

So the message today is - pay attention to all the items on your to do list. For me, once I plant those ground-covers - weeding will no longer take up space on my to do home to-do list of things I really enjoy doing - like planting perennials, or re-decorating a room.

What is that one item on your list, that you could grab hold and deal with today - for once and for all?

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