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Why you should try some other colors in your 'coloring box'

Are you hiding behind a sea of beige?
Or can you finally take a chance and enjoy the use of color in your life?

It was a cool late winter day when I saw this window
as I was walking through the streets of SoHo.

The window grabbed my attention. The colorful crayons looked so imprisoned
behind the window's security bars. Of course, at the stroke of ten o'clock,
they would be freed again when the store opens to another shopping day
in New York City.

The photo reminds me of some people who are afraid to 'take a chance'
and explore the wonders of color. It imprisons them from living a life of beauty, peace or other emotions that color can add to their lives.

Since that day I have been trying out different colors for my wardrobe and at home. I've started to use colors that I had shyed away from for many years for various reasons.

I was surprised to find that the green from my childhood school uniform
actually looks good with my light hair. And turquoise, which seemed too harsh for my skin color, actually makes me look less tired or pale.

This season the magazines are pushing color and for once I agree.
Use it wisely, but use it if you want to 'take a chance' and shake things up a bit
in your wardrobe, your garden or in your home.

M. A. Smith, Ltd.,Interior Design
Allied Member ASID
732 690-2030

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